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Most people stay in a comfort

zone and are not willing to learn something new
"Life begins at the end  of your

comfort zone!"

Now it is time to get out of your comfort zone and learn something new

🉑⛳What is the best way to learn my system?⛳🉑  

1. Purchase my Bundle A & B Chart Patterns. Study my chart patterns for a better understanding.

 2. Sign up with TDAmeritrade for a $1000 account and download the Thinkorswim software. 

3. Sign up for one-on-one private lessons


You will learn :

  1. How to use Thinkorswim software with indicators

  2. How to search for stocks

  3. Entry level

  4. Stop-loss level

  5. Get out level 

  6. How to capture big profit 

Why do I focus on delivering private lessons to a select few every month?
I do not intend to share this information with everyone.  My goal is to teach qualified individuals. If thousands of people trade using my patterns at the same time, it may not work. 

Message from student 03/13/2021


Dear Trader Huang, 


I was your private one on one student about 10 years ago when you were using Esignal as charting service and I also signed up for your daily stock pick member when you would tell your members to enter and exit different momentum stocks.  I want to retake your private lesson ……………

Thank you,


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